Our Strategy 

The goal was to develop an Augmented Reality app that would enable the creation and management of AR objects. The benefits of this project were to use a mobile device (smartphone/ tablet) to pay attention to a particular AR object (creation, sharing, consuming AR objects).

The created system is easy to use and user friendly. All use the features of the behaviour of the platform prepared by asking a series of activities to do with this behaviour from users will be analyzed in the context of platform-user interaction. There are also many different resolutions for iOS/ Android devices. The availability of different resolutions in the device and is targeted senior legibility criteria of success is another.

The primary attribute of this application will be usability given the large amounts of data and information that will be presented on such a small screen, as well as the user’s ability to input data into the device in a reasonable manner that should not be that much more difficult than if they were at an actual computer.


Augmented reality application created by Yamako will provide a great marketing convenience to any business. Now, the AR app may help to solve two marketing problems: what benefits it brings to the business to increase primary sales; what benefits it brings to the business to increase future sales. Also, this technology provides a user with access to AR content simply by visiting a website or social network – it increases client’s sales by 40%.

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